Sunday, 27 September 2009
The Ritz London Book of Afternoon Tea
This was just a quick post to let blog-watchers know that I haven't gone away forever; I've just taken a brief unplanned break from blogging BUT I promise I am here and have lots of hot drink tidbits to share with you...
Till next entry,
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Organic White Peony
Alpine Berry Herbal Tea
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Coffee keeps Britain working
With the change in financial health of the country, more and more employees are reluctant to take breaks lest they be viewed as not being as hardworking as their other colleagues and thus lose their jobs. 45% of 45-54 year olds surveyed were found to be more likely not to leave the office for lunch. Psychologist Donna Dawson said,
"The present credit crunch has made people cut back on extras such as take-away coffees, and it has also made the office a much more competitive place with money tight and people afraid to lose their jobs, workers want to be seen to be prudent and company-loyal, by cutting their lunch-hour and breaks to a minimum. Older people, who are closer to redundancy and also wiser in the ways of office politics will be keener to do this. However, research shows that if a 15-minute break is not taken every two hours, then concentration and productivity actually go down."
So the humble coffee can take some of the credit for keeping office workers fresh and focussed during a long, hard day at work and aiding in productivity...
Very interesting statistics can be found at the site. I particularly like the one where it was found that men were found to be more likely to take FULL lunch breaks than women, with a 5% difference in the figures. Make of that what you will gents!
Is gulping hot tea linked to cancer?
"Drinking a cup of tea in under two minutes straight after it was poured was associated with a five-fold higher risk of cancer compared with drinking tea four or more minutes after being poured..."
Furthermore, a doctor commenting on this issue suggested that tea drinkers simply wait until their tea goes from 'scalding' to 'tolerable' before drinking it. In addition, it was said that in Iranian cultures, there is more of a tradition of drinking tea at such a high temperature and that in the UK, as 'we' tend to add milk to our tea, this cools the tea enough for it not to be risky.
Who knew?
Tamayokucha Green
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Exciting tea samples to be reviewed
So there you have it. Lots of new flavours to try and share with you... I must apologise for the lack of tea reviews and general posting recently. I've been drinking one particular tea over a period of time so that tea will be reviewed in a post to come. I've also been trying to resolve issues with the speed of my computer and uploading of photographs.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Best Biscuits for Dunking?
Personally, I am not a dunker. I love biscuits with my tea but I do not dunk them into my tea. I also love a nice slice of cake to accompany my 'cuppa', preferring to keep tea and accompaniment separate.
My favourite 'tea biscuits' are:
Custard Creams
I must add that I do like other biscuits, including chocolate digestives BUT I prefer the above whilst drinking my tea.
However, according to a Telegraph article online, published some months ago, the chocolate digestive is the favourite biscuit of the nation. The article further delves into good 'dunking' practice and techniques.
Apparently, chocolate digestives came out in front of the others because,
"...their coating protected them from the effects of the hot tea..."
According to the source, the choc digestives can withstand, on average, at least eight seconds in tea OR coffee. For more information on biscuits related etiquette, you might also like to take a look at Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down!
Happy Dunking!
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Fizzy Milk?
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
'Cake and tea' - the perfect partners
BUT, I have found the most ingenious way of having any tea with cake and not getting a marring of flavour. Have a fake cake on the side! A website and London store, All the Fun of the Fair sells the cutest knitted cakes, tea cosies and other gifts. It also runs classes to learn the art of knitting and crafting! I stumbled across this site some time ago whilst looking for crafting supplies and wanted to share it with you.
p.s. I will be paying a visit to Carnaby street very soon...(after my exam hopefully!)
Chocolate Ecstasy Tours?
Prices start from £35 for 3 hours of chocolate induced highs and includes chocolate sampling, VIP discounts and a hot drink (for the Mayfair Chocolate tour)
I think that this would make a lovely present or treat for a chocolate lover or a day out with a difference. I must admit that for an unemployed 'student' as myself the prices do seem a bit much but on removing my student hat, this is a reasonable price for a unique tasting experience...well worth trying.
Another addition to my 'To Do' list methinks!
(Photo Source )
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Buy yourself some art-tea prints
I found this photo of Flickr (From The Lawleys photo profile) and it takes 'tea bags' to a whole new level!
Keep on drinking your hot tipple of choice! (Which according to the July poll thus far is COFFEE!!) Keep voting and soon we'll have the final results of your favourite hot drink in the sidebar!
Hello again!
I must apologise for the lack of posting recently! I haven't given up before things have even began! No way! I have been a little pre-occupied with things lately so though this has not stopped my tea consumption, I haven't been as dedicated. My fridge broke down and so I have not been able to store any fresh milk which has subsequently meant that my black tea consumption has decreased because I do like a smidgen in my tea!
Service will resume shortly as I now am the proud owner of a shiny new, fresh- smelling fridge with lots of room for my milk!!
Roll on the tea blogging...
P.s. I have put a book aside at work which I will scan before I purchase and read it to review on here. It is about the history of tea!
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Tea and Impressionsim
I love the way the subject on the right is holding the cup, with her little finger sticking out. I think it perfectly conveys a feeling of 'poshness' and formality despite the relaxed posture of the subject on the left. I wonder who these two ladies are having their tea with!
And to think that this post was inspired by a work colleague who is particularly passionate (and knowledgeable) about arty things! Brilliant idea...
I hope to find more examples of tea in art and share them with you.
The Various Flavours of Coffee
You can read more reviews here although the cover on the site is different from mine which seems to convey the feel of the story better.
Onto chocolate news, as I type this post, I am watching 'The Vicar of Dibley', one of my favourite British comedies and this video probably illustrates how many chocolate lovers feel about their 'vice'
Well, I am off to rest my head and giggle at the vicar some more but I will be back with more tidbits soon!
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Whittard Cherry Blossom
It was smooth tasting, yet crisp and felt very clean; there was no aftertaste which made it all the more pleasurable to drink (in fact, after this post, I will be making another cup!) The colour of this tea when brewed, was pale yellow with an orange-red tint.
Overall, I would rate this tea with a 4 out of 5.
I realise that I'm no expert...but I LOVE a good cuppa! (Sorry if I've said this before...tiredness+headache does NOT a coherent post make)
Well, I'm off to brew me another cup of loveliness! Till next post,
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Tea Parties
Looking through the site at the Menu, the most interesting sounding tea (which may possibly be on offer in one of the Afternoon Tea sites) I found was 'Lapsang Souchong' described as, "A Chinese tea fired over smoking pine needles, which produces a striking smoky odour and flavour."
Looks like tea parties aren't just for Alice!
How water affects the quality of your tea
"Overall, it is the quality of the water you use which makes or breaks the tea you are brewing..."
I think as time goes on I will need to be paying more attention to the water which I use to brew my tea! Excellent tips from the English Tea Blog there!
My-tea fine
As I'm going through a bit of a Japan phase at the moment and wanted to try a new tea, when shopping at my local Whittard store, I came across this interesting tea.
Apart from the tag-line of "Famous, Japanese-style green tea" the description of the tea mentioned that it had a light spinach-like flavour. As I review this, I have a mug next to me so that I can convey, as accurately as possible, my thoughts on it.
The tea does indeed have a slight spinach undertone which is slightly overbearing if you let it steep for too long. I made this mistake intially as I often drink my black tea quite strong. Apart from that, you soon get over the strange taste sensation and will find that this is a refreshing and delicious green tea. It does have a bit of an aftertaste though...
As I'm not drinking from a transparent mug (I really should invest in one for reviewing so that I can include pictures), it is difficult to observe the colour but it takes on a light green-yellow colour when steeped for about 2 minutes.
Sencha even smells a little 'spinachy' and herby
Overall Rating: 3/5
I'll be stocking up on new teas (and possibly hot chocolate) tomorrow!
Monday, 13 July 2009
Planting the seeds...
As this is the first post of my new blog (which I have been meaning to start for a while) I thought I had better explain the title of the blog, which to non Creole or 'Kweyol' speakers won't make much sense. It literally means 'Cocoa Tea' in Kweyol; a French-English melange spoken in many parts of the Caribbean. 'Cocoa Tea' is a popular and delicious drink drunk widely in St. Lucia. It is made from the compressed cocoa extract which can be bought in 'sticks' and combined with water, milk, sugar and spices makes a scrumptious treat.
The following video from You Tube is the clearest explanation of how to make this drink!
As I am a bit of a tea-o-holic, (well a hot drink-o-holic more like!) I'll be exploring lots of tea related loveliness for you to enjoy.
I hope to see some of your comments as this blog gets up and running and feedback is always appreciated so I have added feedback buttons to the bottom of each post for this purpose. Review requests are also appreciated as I love tasting new things so will gladly oblige!
Thanks again!